Wooden Threading Board


The intertwined teddy bear will take your child into the a world of fun and creativity. In addition, entirely gradually, it will teach how to tie laces and help develop manual skills.


How it’s working? Give your child a teddy bear, and he/she will know what to do It can be dressed up, tie to a cubby, or maybe decorated with sticks or colorful strings. Hand manipulation and weaving the string through the holes, the child exercises precision and prepares the hand for writing. Why? Because before a toddler can start putting down his first letters, he needs to develop fine motor skills – learn to operate his hand and fingers. This is precisely what the play with Threading Board serves to do. Thanks to the teddy bear, learning to tie shoes, lacing and interlacing becomes a beautiful adventure – a game of imagination and discovering the world with all the senses (thus polysensory).

If you additionally include atmospheric introductory music (e.g., oriental and a bit of fairy tale), all the senses will be involved in learning to lace. This is the essence of polysensory teaching, the precursor of which was Maria Montessori.

These exercises are a great opportunity to hone many valuable skills. First of all, a young student of the art of weaving learns how to properly operate hand and fingers. Secondly, the exercise is a great opportunity to correct the way a toddler ties bows and loops.

What else? We took care of a nice, modern design and ecological, friendly materials. Nothing but have fun!

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